
Showing posts from June, 2023

The World Drug Day

The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is marked on 26 June every year to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving a world free of drug abuse and today, drug day was celebrated at St. Goretti's in a very unique manner with the coordinated effort of the students, especially SPCs and teachers. Many performances by the students added to the beauty and significance of the day. Drama, Group song, debate etc were staged in an effective manner. At the end of the program, a drug day pledge was also taken by the students, teachers and teacher trainees too. The aim of this year’s campaign was to raise awareness about the importance of treating people who use drugs with respect and empathy; providing evidence-based, voluntary services for all; offering alternatives to punishment; prioritizing prevention; and leading with compassion.

Yet another Day...

 Though it was a usual day, it was significantly the day of first optional observation. The class went well and I could ensure effective student participation. The optional teacher, Mrs Meekha Suraj Koshy led the observation and gave 'VERY GOOD' remarks.

Introductory class🫤

 And after waiting and waiting, I got to teach in the class IX A today, as the teacher finally managed to finish the portions.I started off with the second chapter of the first unit, Aspire to win, which is an autobiographical piece by Sachin Tendulkar, ‘Learning the Game’. The class comprised of 53 students.I could manage to finish off the portions set for the day, sticking to the Lesson plan -1. Looking forward to more experiences😌

Reading Day celebrations😇

 Again a June 19, for Indian, its a significant day which observes the death day of Shri. P.N.Panicker, the day. The day is a tribute to the due efforts of Shri. Panicker who transformed the society with his literary movement in India. The Reading Day was celebrated at St. Goretti's HS in a very unique manner. The reading day celebrations and reading week were inaugurated by the former student of the school, K. Jayakumar IAS(Retd) who gave an overwhelming speech marking the importance of reading in education. The Headmistress presided over the function. The highlight of the program was the sharing of reading experiences by students. At the end of the program, a reading day oath was taken by students and teachers.

Second day @ St Goretti's

 Due to the absence of a teacher, I got a very significant opportunity to teach the class, 6 B😊 and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. A rapport was established very well with the students. The chapter 'Life with Grandfather' was introduced to the students. The students were asked to explain about their family. They could also write about the members of the family. The students were seen really happy to explain about their grandparents. The students seemed to be really happy with their family. The activities made the class very interesting.

First day of the second phase🤘🏻

 And the first day of the second phase of B.Ed teaching practice passed by.At St Goretti’s H S S , Nalanchira, we, a team of 16 reported at 8 45 AM , really terrified , expecting the worst of experiences. But Thank God, the first day went well, though I didnt get a class, Yes you heard it right! My concerned teacher was not done with her portions which may take three days. I could just get into the Class IX A and meet the bunch of 59, introducing myself.Happily🫤, Teacher came in and took over the class. The day ended with a strenuous evening duty which made me wait till 4 30 to leave the school. But the day was peaceful!

Special day😊

 June 5 marks World environment day but at MTTC this tear we celebrated the day of environment with Blood Donation Camp organised by the Natural Science Optional led by Shiney mam, pre-observing the approaching Blood Donation Day on June 14th.  Yesterday was a day of pride for me as I donated blood for the first time ever in my life. Though felt dizzy after the donation, I felt really happy for being a part of the blood donation drive. I really thank all those who organised the programme for giving me a day to remember❤️

The beginning but the final one🙃

 Yet another June first comes with a whole lot of opportunities and responsibilities as we step into the last phase of our B.Ed  journey. Our dear Dr Joju sir stepped into his new responsibility as the Principal of MTTC which generates a lot of hopes and surprises. The day started at 9 AM. Though we started off with happiness, we were touched by the news of Transfer of our dear George Sir who was a role model for all of us, the epitome of sensibility. An informal sent off ceremony was followed by the inspirational talk by Asha mam. After the break, Dr Reghu sir came with a talk on Time Management. The afternoon session began with Joju sir’s orientation session to the academic year which was accompanied by dear Bindu mam’s presentation on the academic calendar… Thus the day began with surprises and ended with apprehensions.🙂