The beginning but the final one🙃

 Yet another June first comes with a whole lot of opportunities and responsibilities as we step into the last phase of our B.Ed  journey. Our dear Dr Joju sir stepped into his new responsibility as the Principal of MTTC which generates a lot of hopes and surprises. The day started at 9 AM. Though we started off with happiness, we were touched by the news of Transfer of our dear George Sir who was a role model for all of us, the epitome of sensibility. An informal sent off ceremony was followed by the inspirational talk by Asha mam. After the break, Dr Reghu sir came with a talk on Time Management. The afternoon session began with Joju sir’s orientation session to the academic year which was accompanied by dear Bindu mam’s presentation on the academic calendar… Thus the day began with surprises and ended with apprehensions.🙂


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