International women’s day celebration😊

 And It was a memorable international women’s day celebration 😊. During the first two hours dear Maya man gave an opportunity to our dear male members of the class to deliver a message on the day and all of them literally, all of them had some or the other valid point to make. Yes we can surely hope for a better no, the best society in the future. During the next two hours we had Yoga class led by dear George sir who familiarised everyone with 6 asanas like dhanurasana, padmasana etc. After which, we had English optionals where we had to work on content analysis. From 2 :30, the celebrations began😊 where I got an opportunity to perform with dear Kavya. It was yet another beautiful experience being on stage😊 happily singing one of your favourite songs. The programme conducted by the women's cell was so refreshing😌 and in the end I got an opportunity to be a part of the quiz competition and win a munch😁. All the best for the co-ordinator Bindu mam and the students for future ventures☺️

Thanks for the day


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